AGM 2020 Questions

Dear Robert,

Thank you for the CCCA material. I do have a query around rule 4.5 iv c concerning the legitimacy of Mk1 mainsails. I know of three Mk1 boats (319, 388, 420) that are sailed locally at club level with Mk1 mainsails. It would be a shame if these boats were to excluded from CCCA events just because they cannot get mainsails signed off this year, especially as the 2020 season is effectively a write off.

Will the CCCA committee sign off these boats (and other boats in a similar position) in 2021 and later years should they attend a CCCA event?



CCCA Committee Response

Please see the linked document under Agenda Item 6 – Draft Procedure for Marking Rowsell Sails.

Bob Horlock

CCCA Secretary



  1. From Chris Boutle  15 Jun 2020

Thanks for the draft sail marking rules. The only comment is that the date for signing the sails could be extended to Dec 2021 in view of the problems caused by lockdown this year. I wonder if you could let me know the background behind requiring sails to be signed.  My situation is that I crew for the three boats mentioned in my email, but am not currently a Trio owner. (319 and 420 are at Littleton SC where I am a full member and 388 at Silver Wing SC where I join as a winter member). My reading of the draft rules is that I could sign off the sails for these boats as long as I haven’t bought a Trio in the meantime. Would that be correct?  I am familiar with the history of these boats and the provenance of their sails.




CCCA Committee Response

The background to the requirement for the sails to be marked is covered in the letter which was sent out with the draft rules back in Dec 19.  A copy of this has been placed on the CCCA Website under 2020 AGM, Item 6.


The Committee believe that marking the sails is a relatively easy task, most of which can be done by the owner with only a signature required by an independent person.  There will be 5 months in 2020 after the AGM decision in which to complete this task and whilst the present social distancing requirements and restrictions on club activity make the task marginally more difficult we cannot currently see the need to extend the time scale specified in the draft rules.  If an individual owner has significant difficulty because of ongoing restrictions then the Committee will consider their specific case and make arrangements accordingly.


Technically any non Trio owner could sign the sails but the regular crew of a Trio is not what we had in mind when we specified an ‘independent’ member of the sailing club.  We shall leave this decision to you!


Bob Horlock

CCCA Secretary