Combined Comet Class Association (CCCA) Annual General Meeting
Planned for being held on Zoom on Tuesday 3rd Dec 24 at 19:30
Chairman Adrian Padro
- Explanation of Procedure
- Proposal – ‘The CCCA AGM 2024 should be conducted in accordance with the procedure published on the CCCA website’ Proposed by CCCA Committee.
- Roll Call
- Apologies
- Acceptance of the minutes of the 2023 AGM.
- Proposal – ‘The minutes of the CCCA AGM 2023 held by correspondence are accepted as a true record of that meeting.’ Proposed by CCCA Committee.
- Reports:
- Builder’s
- Versa, Zero and Duo (Andy Simmons)
- Trio (Glyn Rawson)
- Association officers:
- Treasurer: (Caroline McAusland)
- Builder’s
- Adoption of Accounts
- Proposal – ‘The statement of accounts presented by the Treasurer at Item 5bi should be accepted as a true record of the CCCA accounts.’ Proposed by the CCCA Committee.
- Secretary: (Richard Salliss)
- Chairman: (Adrian Padro)
- Election of officers and committee:
- Chairman (Bob Horlock)
- Secretary (Richard Salliss)
- Cruising Secretary (Steve White)
- Treasurer (Anne Way)
- Trio Captain (Vacant)
- Versa Captain (Martin Davies)
- Duo Captain (Nigel Austin)
- Zero Captain (Vacant)
- Webmaster (Steve White)
- Vote of Thanks to retiring committee members
- Adoption of new constitution
- Background
- Proposal – ‘The new constitution presented by the Chairman at Item 8a should be adopted by the CCCA .’ Proposed by the CCCA Committee.
- Venues for Inlands, National Championships, and Open meetings for 2025.
- CCCA Inlands 2025 ????
- Nationals
- Trios
- 8 – 10 Aug 2025 or 15 – 17 Aug 25 Brixham
- 2026 Exe SC
- Duos Cransley S.C
- Versas, Zeros ?
- Trios
- Open Meetings – Offers invited from clubs willing to stage an open mtg in 2025.
- Present the priority goals for the committee in the next 12 months
- Specific class matters to attend to
- Decision to continue as an RYA Affiliated Class Association or not
- Possible dinghy show attendance in 2025
- Membership Communication strategy
- Modernise Internal Management processes of the CCCA
- AOB (which must be sent to the Secretary by 5th November 2024)
Procedures for Running 2024 CCCA AGM by ZOOM
Sign in to Zoom using the invitation sent to you, please do not share this invitation on social media.
The meeting will start as close to 19:30 as possible, please do not be late.
The meeting will be hosted by our webmaster, Steve White and Chaired by Adrian Padro.
The Agenda is published on the CCCA website (above), additional motions for AGM must be submitted to the Secretary of the CCCA by 5 Nov 24.
All attendees will be muted. If you wish to speak at the meeting please raise your hand and Steve will unmute you at the appropriate point and invite you to speak.