May 2018
- The full title of the Association shall be “Combined Comet Class Association”.
- The classes adopted by the Combined Comet Class Association are listed in schedule 1.
The objects of the Association are to promote and further the interests of the Comet Classes as listed in Schedule 1 and to represent the interests of their owners as follows:-
- To keep members informed of developments concerning the “Classes” and any proposals concerning class rules.
- To organise British Open Championships and to co-ordinate the programme for other Open Meetings and cruising events for the “Classes” in the British Isles.
- To promulgate information on technical development within the “Classes”.
- To keep a National Association Register.
- “The National Association” shall mean the Combined Comet Class Association.
- “The Committee” shall mean the Committee of the National Association consisting of duly elected committee members.
- “The National Association Rules” shall mean the rules governing the conduct of the National Association.
- “The National Association Register” shall mean the register of owners of the Combined Comet Classes with their addresses, name and number of boat to be kept hereinafter provided.
- The “Classes” shall mean the class of sailing dinghies as listed in Schedule 1.
- “The Measurement Rules” shall mean the rules relating to measurement, construction and racing conditions of the class and governing the building of each of the “Classes” and its rating as a recognised boat within the class for racing purposes.
- “The Registered Number” shall mean the sail number allocated to the boat.
- “The National Class Secretary” shall mean the duly elected Honorary Secretary or duly appointed Secretary as the case may be of the National Association.
- “Certificate” shall mean a certificate to be issued, ratified and endorsed as hereinafter provided and recording:
- The registered number and initial ownership of the “Classes” and any changes in ownership.
- The fact that such a dinghy originally complied with the class rules on completion of construction together with any such particulars as may be required by the class rules.
- “Valid Certificate” shall mean a certificate in which:
- The particulars of ownership are up to date and entered on the Class Register of the “Combined Comet Class Association”.
- Any endorsement required by the Measurement Rules has been duly entered.
- “Fleet” shall mean three or more registered dinghies in the “Classes” of the same Class not under the organisation of any already existing dinghies in the “Classes” fleet normally located sufficiently near to each other to permit regular racing between them.
- “Owner” and “Joint Owner” shall mean person or persons, corporation or association entered on a certificate as owner or joint owner of a dinghy of the “Classes”.
- The following classes of membership shall be recognised:
- Full Membership.
- Associate Membership.
- Honorary Membership.
- Full Membership shall, upon payment of the prescribed annual subscription, be open to any owner of a British Registered dinghy of the “Classes” or, in the case of joint owners, to any one of them or, in the case of a British dinghy of the “Classes” owned by a corporation or association, to a nominated representative of that organisation.
- Associate Membership shall, upon payment of the prescribed annual subscription, be open to any joint owner of a British registered dinghy of the “Classes” not being a full member, or to all individuals or clubs interested in the dinghy of the “Classes” in Britain.
- Honorary Membership shall be open to any person having an interest in the National Association in Britain who is proposed by a Full Member and seconded by at least one member of the Committee and is elected by Members of the National Association at any General Meeting of the National Association.
- Members shall be bound by the National Association Rules and Class Constitution.
- Members entering dinghies of the “Classes” in Class or Handicap racing whether organised by the National Association or by an RYA Affiliated Club shall implicitly be bound by the provisions of the Measurement Rules.
- Each Full Member shall be entitled to one vote at a General Meeting of the National Association or in a postal ballot. Honorary and Associate Members shall be entitled to attend and speak at any General Meeting but not to vote. A Full Member who is unable to attend a General Meeting may appoint a Proxy by notice in writing to the Class Secretary prior to the meeting.
- The affairs of the National Association shall be managed by the Committee which shall be the only body empowered to make recommendations to the members of the “Combined Comet Class Association” for changes in the Measurement Rules.
- The National Committee shall consist of not less than five and not more than fifteen full members of the Association, elected annually at a General Meeting of members, or by postal vote, as elected Committee Members.
- The Committee need not fill a vacancy arising in the Committee unless the total number of Committee Members has dropped below the minimum of five, or unless a recognised Class has no representative on the Committee.
- Within the Committee there shall be the following positions of Office elected annually at a General Meeting of Members:
The Chairman shall whenever possible preside at meetings, represent the Association at functions and discussions, and generally guide the policy and operations to achieve the objects of the Association.
The Secretary shall receive all correspondence addressed to the National Association and shall keep correct minutes and records of all Committee and General Meetings. The Secretary shall also keep the National Association Register and be responsible for communicating the decisions of the Committee or General Meetings to the Members of the National Association.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds and finances of the National Association, shall pay all amounts directed by the Committee, keep proper books of accounts and endeavour to collect all monies due. He/she shall prepare and present an annual financial statement at each Annual General Meeting.
- At meetings of the Committee four members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
- The Committee shall have power to make recommendations to the Members in General Meeting or by post for alteration in or additions to the National Association Rules.
- The Committee may arrange an Annual National Championship for the “Classes” and shall co-ordinate such Regional Championships as may be required.
- At least two weeks notice of the date, place and agenda for any Committee Meeting must be given in writing by the Secretary to each Committee Member. Any business conducted by correspondence shall always be circulated through the Secretary and any Committee Member not answering a motion communicated to him in writing within three weeks of the date of sending shall be deemed to have abstained from such a motion.
- Acceptance of a Certificate by an owner to joint owners shall ipso facto render him or them subject to the jurisdiction of the National Association or the Committee in any matter pertaining to class measurement rules or constitution.
- Subject to the provisions of these rules, an in particular to the object of the National Association as expressed in Rule 2, the Committee shall be empowered to perform all functions of management and administration.
- The making of payment shall be validly evidenced only by the signature of the Treasurer and the Secretary or Chairman.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually in a place judged by the Committee to be the most convenient to the majority of members of the Association. The precise date, time and place to be at the Committee’s discretion.
- A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Chairman or Class Secretary upon receipt by the Class Secretary of written request signed by not fewer than fifteen full members of the National Association.
- At least six weeks written notice shall be given to members of any General Meeting.
- Any motion to be put to a General Meeting shall be proposed by two full members and shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing at least four weeks prior to the meeting.
- At any General Meeting or Committee Meeting decisions shall be limited to matters on the agenda and, with the exception of those concerning measurement rules, shall be carried by a majority vote. Decisions concerning changes and or additions to the measurement rules shall require a majority vote of two-thirds. Voting shall be restricted to members of the affected class and shall be by a show of hands unless a poll is demanded by not fewer than three of the full members of the affected class present. At any meeting the Chairman shall have a casting vote. The Secretary shall be responsible for circulating all members or in the case of Committee Meetings, all Committee Members, with the result of any voting. In the event of a postal ballot all returns shall be made to the Secretary within two weeks of the date of posting the ballot paper.
- At any General Meeting of the National Association a quorum shall be formed by one-third of the current membership of the National Association. If a quorum is not formed the meeting may proceed but any decisions will be put to a postal ballot of the full membership.
- Subscriptions payable for all classes of membership of the National Association shall be payable annually and shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions shall become due on 1st January of the following year. A member joining the National Association after the 1st August, whose subscription has been paid for that year, shall not be liable to pay his subscription for the ensuing year.
- The annual subscription for the following year shall be set at the Annual General Meeting.
- Any members whose subscription has not been paid within three months of the date due may have his/her name removed from the list of members of the National Association by the Committee. A members name may be restored to the National Association Register at the discretion of the Committee on payment of any subscriptions due.
- The Committee shall cause true accounts to be kept giving full particulars of:
- All monies, assets and liabilities of the National Association.
- All monies received and expended by National Association and the reasons for such receipts and expenditures.
- All sales and purchases by the National Association.
- The Committee shall cause the annual financial statement to be prepared and presented at every Annual General Meeting of the National Association.
- A copy of the annual financial statement, duly audited, prepared for presentation at the Annual General Meeting shall, together with the minutes of such meeting, be sent to every member.
- The Class Association accounts year will run from January 1st to December 31st.
- The National Association shall endeavour to maintain the one-design of the “Classes”.
- Any proposal passed by General Meeting or Committee Meeting that effects, in any way, the Class Measurement Rules, shall be considered as a recommendation to the relevant designer and copyright and license holder.
- No dinghy shall be entered on the National Association Register unless a certificate has been issued in respect of such dinghy in accordance with the relevant Class Measurement Rules.
- Members entering a dinghy of the “Classes” in Class or Handicap racing whether organised by the National Association or by a RYA Affiliated Club shall implicitly be bound by the provisions of the Measurement Rules.
Personal information provided by members of the CCCA to join and operate the CCCA is used and stored in accordance with the CCCA Data Protection Policy.
“Eligibility” to helm in National Championships and other Championship events will be open to:
- Full Members of the Association.
- The eligible Full Members’ spouse or partner.
- The eligible Full Members’ or partners’ child under 18.
- Associate Members of the Association.
Adopted Classes
Class | Designer | Copyright Holder | Licence Holder |
Comet Zero | Andrew Simmons | Andrew Simmons | Comet Dinghies |
Comet Versa | Andrew Simmons | Andrew Simmons | Comet Dinghies |
Comet Trio | Phil Morrison | Phil Morrison | Peak Dinghies Spares Ltd |
Comet Duo | Andrew Simmons | Andrew Simmons | Comet Dinghies |
15 May 2018