We have created an online forum for CCCA members.
The purpose of the group is to promote understanding about Comet boats, and include answers to technical questions, best practices and a way to easily ask things of other owners.
One of the problems with Facebook is that information is lost in the timeline, whereas the forum is very much more persistent.
To borrow a guideline from another online forum, drifting off topic is tolerated within reason. Consider it the equivalent of the sailing club bar. The moderators reserve the right to encourage you back on topic so that the quality of the content is kept honest to the values of the CCCA.
New members are very welcome, and for a short period you posts will be moderated while we all test the waters. Please be aware that our total storage limit is only 1GB; that may sound a lot, but it is relatively little per member. There should be no problem with uploading photos, as the platform will automatically re-size them where necessary, but please avoid uploading videos; we suggest that you put the latter on Youtube, and simply post the link on this site.
To subscribe, please visit the group and find the email address to send a request to. (If I put the email address in plain text on the internet we’ll be overwhelmed by web crawling robots).

Once you have sent your email in to subscribe to the site, the moderators will get a meesage and allow you onto the site. If you are not already a member of the CCCA, and would like to join the forum, please apply to join the forum and we’ll be in touch to assist you in joining the class association.
RIght now the forum is pretty empty, awaiting your contribution.
If you’ve had a question about your class, or you have some great info that you’d like to share, feel free to use the facility.